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Bigger Than The Light

Bigger Than The Light

The story unfolds in the Isis Lounge, where a performer transforms into the persona of Ava Pulchritude using makeup and costume, seeking refuge from the harsh realities of their daytime life. As Ava takes the stage, the performer struggles with the dichotomy of their dual identity, embodying beauty and vulnerability through music and performance. Despite facing challenges and doubts, Ava's passion and artistry shine through as they connect with the audience through their powerful and emotional performance, showcasing a complex and authentic form of beauty.

Baby Butch

Baby Butch

Zee, a nonbinary individual, goes on a date with Lyla, feeling anxious about coming out. Despite fears of transphobia, Lyla reacts positively when Zee discloses their pronouns. However, during the date, strange occurrences like floating tea and time distortion unsettle Zee. The world around them starts to behave erratically, leaving Zee feeling confused and isolated. Despite Lyla's text expressing interest in meeting again, Zee retreats home, questioning their reality and feeling a sense of impending chaos.

And So it Goes A Gossip Column for Our Times

And So it Goes A Gossip Column for Our Times

This gossip column reveals a series of dramatic and humorous events, involving a child being decorated during afternoon tea, unexpected events between young couples, and an unexpected kiss on the ice rink. At the end of the column, the author shared their experience of meeting a young lady in the park and receiving her kiss, leaving behind a romantic and charming secret. This column blends elements of gossip, humor, and love, showcasing various absurd and interesting daily stories.

An Aye for a Legg and a Legg for an Aye

An Aye for a Legg and a Legg for an Aye

In a terrible single bar in South Florida called "Lucky Channels," the protagonists Woodrow Aye and Peggy Legg meet and work together to disguise themselves as a couple and go to Peggy's family gathering for revenge. At the party, they exposed their family secrets, causing chaos and awkward situations, and ultimately decided to leave and start dating. This lighthearted and humorous story involves disguise, family secrets, and sudden chaos.

An Affair of Olympic Proportions

An Affair of Olympic Proportions

This story revolves around a murder case in a peaceful neighborhood, involving the Olympics, marital disputes, neighborhood relationships, and buried secrets. As the investigation progresses and neighbors' doubts arise, the truth finally emerges, revealing the dark secrets hidden behind the surface glory in the community. The revelation of the incident not only shocked the community, but also caused people to slowly recover.


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