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Your girlfriend is being mean to you? You should be thankful because she loves you.

Your girlfriend is being mean to you? You should be thankful because she loves you.

"It is easier for a woman to be decent in front of someone she doesn't love." The answer with the highest number of likes on Zhihu is as beautiful as a healing Japanese drama. The girlfriend of the OP is beautiful, friendly, intelligent and decent. It is rare to see these four words harmoniously integrated. Aren't intelligence and tact two long-lost virtues? The author describes their relationship like this: "She never loses her temper with me. When we are working, we work separately. She doesn't cling to me and won't take away my feelings. I watched a football game and played games with my friends, and she bought it for us. After eating and drinking, she went back to her room to read books or watch movies. Sometimes when I returned to her room, I found that she was already asleep. I think her maturity is not something that comes from above. The sense of looking down on others and having a sense of experience is due to her kind of quiet and gentle comfort. " Are there really such good women in the world? Do they really not need to be inflated?

Married her who disappeared

Married her who disappeared

People who hurt others in the name of love deserve what they get! The cloning lab gave me the chance for revenge.

The lost son

The lost son

A woman is weak, but a mother is strong, and I'm going to get back what's mine!

Time Rescue

Time Rescue

My girlfriend Ella, who's been trapped in G-time for 3 years, who the hell are you?

Love of the Snow Fox

Love of the Snow Fox

In the snow-covered valley, the snow fox's love-hate relationship, who is the one you really love?


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